Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ramble ramble ramble... don't think, don't edit... just ramble

So I've been slightly busy in the last week or so. Things to do, places to go, people to see.

Noah had his first birthday this week, which was fun. Hard to believe the little pest is a year old already. On the one hand it seems like only yesterday I was pregnant, yet on the other hand I can't remember life without him... or more specifically, a life without sleep deprivation.

I vaguely recall going to bed whenever you felt like it and sleeping till you woke up. I vaguely recall lying in bed and watching movies all weekend when its pouring rain. I vaguely recall trips to the cinema, and going out for dinner without a stressful "omg lets just go home" ordeal. I vaguely recall nights out to play sport with the girlies, or heck, just nights out with friends in general. I vaguely recall daytime cappucinos and lattes and relaxing shopping expeditions at the plaza. I vaguely recall the ability to be impulsive lol.

I mean, I still do some of these things... but with a little whingey tagalong in his pram with his nappy bag and spare clothes and all that official baby crap. Sigh.

He loved his Thomas trains, and his Thomas cake. OMG did he love the cake lol. He seems to love anything with wheels, and Thomas the Tank Engine in particular - I guess its cos Thomas has that stupid big train face lol. Noah also - unfortunately - likes the Wiggles. I think we should invest in more than 1 dvd tho cos I'm sick to GRRR of the same music and sound effects and dialogue over and over and over and over again. Damn the Wiggles! Damn them I say!

Actually, the little pest goes to his first ever day at day care tomorrow... eek. It'll only be for a couple of hours, and I don't feel bad or guilty lol. Thursday's my doctor/hospital day so it means I don't have to put him in and out the car and drag him around to all the damn doctors. So thats cool. And of course, every 2nd Thursday, when I don't have doc appointments... well, I might try out a few of those vague "latte and shopping" type of memories. Or I might catch up on some sleep lol.

So what else is there? Um...

Still busy with wedding organisational type of stuff. Hope to get the last few things done tomorrow if I'm nice and quick at the hospital.

Speaking of bottleshops (or should I say thinking of bottleshops)... it sux that I can't drink at the wedding. Grr. Going out with the girly friends for dinner soon tho, might indulge in a light beer or something then. Fortunately for everyone else, at least we have a designated driver - ME! Fair not! It's really strange how much I crave things like beer and champagne (I mean, I don't even drink champers!) when I'm pregnant. That sooo can't be a good thing. :P

Hey - question - "girly friends". If a guy is gay is he classified as guy or girl when you're in a group? Cos I'm thinking "girly". Yes he might have a penis, but its like... a fake one. He's not actually a guy guy. He might as well be a girl... know what I mean? Point is, I am happy to have gay guys tag along on girly nights cos, well... they're big girls. =D

Ironically, I also classify lezbo girls as girls, lol. I guess I define "girly friends" as:
  • girls... of course... regardless of dykedom vs heterodom (us XX chromosome's have to stick together after all!)
  • gay guys... basically any non-threatening, non-male-y guy I guess (cept how often do you ever seen a non-maley straight guy lol - they might "pretend" to be all snaggy but we know the truth!)

So, basically, a girly friend is any friend who isn't a male-y hetero guy. Hmm. It's sort of an exclusionary definition I guess. Also excludes all variation of husband, boyfriend, partner. Gay boyfriends yes, real husbands no... lol'ing at Disso (yeah yeah, private joke).

So where was I before I got sidetracked? Um... yeah... alcohol. *dreams*


mothpete said...

are you talking about me?

Eek said...

Ooohhh are you finally coming out of the closet and admiting your liking of the same sex??

Or are you simply worried that your "big girl"-ness is showing through?


mothpete said...

Well, after meeting Craig I can surely say that every gay person I have ever met I've really liked a lot, but definitely not in a way that makes me underwear wander.