Friday, May 11, 2007

why is it so?

1. Why does chocolate taste better and why does creamy pasta look so much more inviting when you're on a diet?
Mmm... chocolate...

2. Why do you crave things like beer or vodka when you're pregnant?
Seriously, that can't be a part of the whole evolution thing.

3. Why do some people have all the luck and other people like me have, lets be honest, none?
I can't believe I'm gonna be pregnant at the darn wedding, grr, unfair! I'm still gonna have a champagne or two... I'll just have to hide it from WK somehow. :P

4. Why do other people rave about their perfect babies who "are sleeping all night already" when they're only like, hours old virtually, and I have to have Mr Insomniac Noah who not only doesn't sleep but also hates his cot?
I think everyone else lies lol. It's part of that whole "not my child, my kid is perfect" parenting trap. Either that or Noah's just a pain in the butt.

5. Why is it that everyone makes loud noises around you when you're feeling sick or whatever? Kids suddenly deciding to practise their recorder for instance, at the exact time that your head is pounding - whats with that?
Solution - don't have kids in the first place. My head hurts dammit. Why, oh why did you invent recorders! *shakes fist at God*

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