Monday, May 7, 2007

WoW... how good is pb?

Point #1:

My WoW addiction has somewhat fizzled. I'm just too tired all the time to play, and busy. Damn real life getting in the way of my gnomey life! Whats with that! I've only played for about 2 hours in 2 weeks... its insane. :P

Note to self - don't worry yet, I'll get my priorities back soon. Sleep, pfft. Housework, pfft. Parenting, pfft. Helping WK with his uni assignments, pfft. World of Warcraft is where its at.

I miss my little gnomey. Next time I'm WoWing I'll "screenshot or it didn't happen" so I can post a pic of my gnome and my mage.

Yep I have two characters... a gnome warlock and a draenei mage. My g-nomey is lvl 70 so I guess she's my "main" as the wow geeks say, but my mage is getting there, lvl 45. She's becoming more fun to play now that I "get" the mage thing better.

Blah blah.. insert more wow geeky stuff here... blah blah.

Point #2:

PB aka Prison Break, not the dirty flying "wish I was Batman" kinda pb. I'm almost finished watching season 2 of pb. Awesome awesome show. In an effort not to give away any spoilers... actually no I don't care. Stop reading if you don't want to know the "future" of pb.

In season 1 Michael Scofield commits a crime.. robs a bank actually... all in an effort to get inside the prison where his brother Linc is incarcerated, awaiting his execution for the murder of the vice president's brother. Trick is, Michael was the architect or engineer or something... so he knows the prison AND he has a coded version of the entire prison plans (and later it turns out his entire prison escape plan) tattooed onto his body. He's a smart boy.

A zillion things happen along the way and there ends up being a gang of escapees, including the disgusting T-bag (paedophile, rapist and child murderer.. he is soo creepy but you learn more about his life in season 2 and almost - I said almost, not quite - feel sorry for him)... um, actually I can't remember the rest. There's a guy with a family he's trying to get out to be with, a guy with a pregnant gf who almost marries someone else, a mob boss, a mental patient (he's really quite funny in season 2 altho I can't work out why his character even exists, sorta pointless), a young untrustworthy kid (who proves his worth in the end by not ratting his friends out when it mattered most, and then paying for it with his life)... and there could be more but I'm tired. Can't remember.

So.. end of season 1... they escape the prison. But no thats not the end of prison break... cos in season 2 they have to continue to elude the authorities etc etc.

But back to Linc and Michael. Turns out Linc is innocent (well we knew that from the start, doh), but it also turns out that we know he's innocent cos the vice president is actually alive and living in Vermont. Interesting twist lol.

Season 2 pretty moves between -
  1. the quest for $5million (loot from some old guy's old crime... he tells Michael the location of the $ in prison)
  2. the capturing and sometimes death of the escapees one by one
  3. the exploration of each of the characters real lives - their pasts, who they really are, etc (which is really, really interesting I think)
  4. the quest to prove Linc's innocence and thereby save not only Michael and Linc but also Linc's son CJ who has been stuck in the saga from the start and Michael's sorta gf (lets call her a love interest) and the doctor from the prison, Sarah
  5. the development of Michael and Sarah's budding romance... which is kinda funny, kinda sad, and kinda poignant at times. It was really funny the way they first said I love you... and my quotes won't be exact btw...
    Sarah: one of the prison rules was to not fall in love with an inmate
    *gives Michael a knowing look*
    *insert big sloppy kisses here*
    Then later in the same episode -
    Michael: I didn't say the right thing earlier... me too.
    And thats it. Lol.

One of the most ironic things about pb is the sheer number of people who die in this show. I mean, boy-genius Michael contrives his way to get into prison, then to break out, all in an effort to save his brother's life. And lets not forget that some pretty hardcore crims escape alongide Michael and Linc, like the mob boss Brutzi (or something like that) and of course T-bag.

Here's just a few of the people who die in order to "save" Linc... (and I apologise in advance for the fact that this list is 1. not in order and 2. not going to include everyone lol)

  • the love of Linc's life, lawyer Veronica... along with her husband
  • Linc's other lawyer.. whatever his name was
  • CJ's mother and step-father... CJ being Linc's son
  • a prison guard, stabbed by T-bag
  • Paul the bad guy's partner, who he shot cos he was about to "dob" on the conspiracy
  • the old guy prisoner guy... you know... the one who hid the $5mil... him
  • a couple of the escapees who shall remain nameless :P
  • allll the people T-bag kills after escaping, including the guy he kills to steal his prosthetic hand (yep T-bag is one handed in season 2)
  • the fat balding prison guard who got fired in season 1... what was his name? He and Bellick start chasing the $5mil but he ends up dead on the way. Oops, spoiler.
  • Michael and Linc's father
  • Ohhhh and the vicepresident's bro, the guy who Linc was supposed to have murdered in the first place
  • Sarah's politician father, who redeems himself of his "bad guy" title before he dies
  • ... and I dunno, heaps of police and bad guys and innocent bystanders... can't remember... apparently 44 people died during seasons 1 and 2. Or at least thats according to some fan blog I read earlier lol.

So... roll on season 3. I wonder how many more scrapes Scofield can save them all from, I wonder if the pb world will ever learn how evil the US govt is, I wonder if Linc will ever be exonerated, I wonder if they'll end up back in jail, I wonder if Sarah and Michael will get it on, I wonder if Linc will be reunited with his son, I wonder if Sucre will ever marry his gf, I wonder how many more people T-bag will kill before he gets caught, I wonder who will end up with the $5mil (or whats left of it), I wonder if anyone will remember to go see the old man's dying daughter in hospital and tell her her father loved her (it was his money after all! or did Michael do that in episode 1 of season 2 cos I missed that one?), I wonder if Michael will get any new tattooes, I wonder if something bad will eventually happen to the nasty Bellick (ex prison guard and definite bad guy), I wonder if Paul the bad guy turned good will actually stick to his newfound goodness or whether its just temporary, I wonder if Mahone (bad fbi guy in season 2) will ever find his humanity or heck just die and let the storyline move on (he's nasty)...

I still haven't watched the last two episodes of season 2 yet. I wonder if they'll answer any of the above questions lol. Here's hoping so. :D


Anonymous said...

OMG! You are starting to sound like Shane with his GW. Yikes! :P

Eek said...

Eek, no, not Shane!


mothpete said...

PB is the best. PB rules.