Wednesday, April 11, 2007

apparently this mememe is titled "an interview with myself" or something like that.. meh

1. Name one thing you could not live without.
Um, I should say something important like the Internet (lol), but I think I need to look more into my own heart and soul. Ahhh. The answer to this question is simple. World of Warcraft.

2. Name something you'd love to never see again.
Childbirth. I saw it on a doco once. Like, saw the head come out and everything. It was so gross my womanly bits ached for days just remembering. I still ache everytime I think about it. Ouch.

3. What color is your bathroom rug?
Meh, whatever.

4. Did you ever wear braces?
Gosh no.

5. Extrovert or introverted?
A bit of both. The extroversion is there to mask the introversion I think. But, meh. Too much self analysis makes one insane, been there done that lol. :P

6. What do you make of all this Anna Nicole Smith saga?

7. What's the population of the city you live in?
I dunno, lots ish.

8. Have you told a lie today?
Not yet

9. Name something you're good at doing.
Shopping. I can shop. You name it, I can get it. Or if I can't, I'll spend all day looking and then return first thing the next morning for a second look. No joke. :D

10. Now, something you do badly?
Life? Nah, I'm getting better at my life choices lol. I don't think I do anything badly, cept maybe contraception.

11. Who do you share your secrets with?
*points to Kym*
I don't keep secrets, I'm pretty open. Sometimes I keep things to myself while I dwell over them for a few days before discussing them with the people who matter, but thats not the same thing as keeping a secret lol. It's like a semi-secret let me think about it for a bit type of thing.

12. Who's your best friend?
Can I call my lvl 70 gnome warlock Lileek my bf? She's the only one who understands me all the time lol. Plus if I need her to do something, she does it. Who could ask for more? Oh... and yeah, WK in real life... of course.

13. Do you lie about your age?
I find age irrelevant. (note: thats what ppl say after they turn 30)
Sigh. I'm turning 30 next year... lol. True. :P

14. Confrontation or avoidance?
A bit of both. I hope I use the right tactic for the right situation. Sometimes I avoid til I'm ready to confront I guess. Meh.. self analysis again! Stop it! Damn meme!

15. What's the last film you watched?
Um... we had a movie wkend recently. Watched Casino Royale, Children of Men, Borat, Little Miss Sunshine, blah blah.

16. What about books?
Eek I don't have time anymore. I think the last book I read was the WoW atlas lol, when I was looking something up. :D

17. Do you enjoy eating sushi?
Well, yep. Sometimes, its not my fav food or anything lol. Too healthy. :P

18. Name a place you long to visit.
Geez, um. Big list that basically includes everywhere and anywhere.

19. Now tell me somewhere you would refuse to go?
Anywhere that involved a family reunion or any such thing. Eek.

20. Do you believe in life after death?
I hope so.

21. Do you talk to God?

22. Any regrets?
I hate to admit it.. cos I think regrets are a waste of space, but.. yeah. Just a couple.

23. If you could be anyone else in the world for just one day, who would you pick?
The Queen. Just to see if she actually does wipe her own butt.

24. Who would you never want to be?
My ex-husband's girlfriend.. for obvious reasons lol.

25. Why wouldn't you want to be that person?
Cos.. well...

26. Tell me something that makes you uncomfortable.
Something or someone lol? Something.. um.. oooh I know, bridal shops. Someone... bridal shop attendants. Eek!

27. Now, something you are completely comfortable doing?
Playing Wow for such a long time period that I actually end up drooling on the keyboard out of sheer exhaustion. I'm completely comfortable with my own drool.

28. Do you have a favorite childhood memory?
Nah. Do I? Can't remember.

29. Worst one?
Moving right along.

30. Think of a song that describes how you feel at this point in your life.
Is there a song that says... I'm sick of stupid emo songs. They're just depressing.

31. What was the last social function you attended?
Um... eek... a birthday dinner I think. Wow that was ages ago. Sigh. I've become all anti-social. :(

32. Is your life what you thought it would be at this point?

33. You can change one thing about your life right now.
Money. I wish I had heaps of spare monies.

34. Is there anyone who knows everything about you? All of your secrets?
Nope. I think that's a fallacy. People allow others into their lives to a point... and that point depends on the level of intimacy being shared. And no I don't mean sex when I say intimacy lol. You can be intimate with your thoughts and feelings, blah blah... meh, forget it. Stupid question. I should have just said no comment lol.

35. Is there anyone that you trust completely?
Trust... I guess no. Maybe my Nan, and yeah probably Kym I guess. But truth is people tend to be egocentric. They put their own needs first and foremost, its human nature. Do I trust WK? Yes I do. Do I trust him completely in the true sense of the word completely? I dunno - show me a male who isn't self obsessed and I'll show you a woman who's had a sex change op. :P

36. How did you find your way to your profession?
Um. I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that I may appear to be unemployed. Lol.

37. Do you believe in life long monogamy?

38. What's your favorite food?
Hard to pick... curry, yes. Mexican, yes. Thai... yep that too. Oh and then there's risotto and gnocchi and all that good Italian stuff. Sigh. Getting hungry now.

39. Favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka I guess. I'm partial to a Pure Blonde beer too. And who could pass up a few cocktails... ooh and cs cowboys of course!

40. If you could talk to anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?
Um, the living person?

41. What would you say to that person?
Um.. hello?

42. What was the first concert you went to?
Pseudo Echo and the Divinyls when I was 13. I was totally in awe of the stage, the performers, the crowd... sigh.

43. The last?
Um.. the very last? Not sure. Either Simple Plan/Green Day or Little Birdie/Eskimo Joe.

44. Are you a gadget guru?
No. But one of my WoW characters is lol. :D

45. What is the ring tone on your cell phone?
Hahahaha. My ring tone is the opening verse of "Fuck her Gently" by Tenacious D. You gotta rush to answer it before the first F word is sung lol.

46. Tell me 3 things you are afraid of.
Deep ocean water, the dark and... something bad happening to a member of my family.

47. Give me the names of your 3 favorite television programs.
Prison Break, Curb your enthusiasm, Kenny vs Spenny, Scrubs... can I have four?

48. What do you think is worse: having your heart broken by the one you love or breaking the heart of the one you love?
The former. I've never experienced the latter so I dont know.

49. Name a behavior of other people that you don't understand.
Violence/abuse/cruelty... its all the same thing really.

50. What is something about you that you think others would not understand.
My WoW addiction lol. Altho.. all the WoW players understand it perfectly. *grins* Its just you non-wowers who don't get it. :P

1 comment:

mothpete said...

"Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?"

That may be the song that fits your answer...

few cop out answers in there, but meh whatever.