Friday, April 20, 2007

why do we praise god for sunsets but not for excrement? hmm... makes one ponder...

So I was thinking today... whether you believe in creation or evolution, this whole sick as a dog when pregnant thing is crap. I mean, we were created to suffer like this? pfft. Or this is somehow good evolution? pfft.

Your body is doing this amazing job of creating a whole little person, a whole new life, and yet you feel like a. a walking zombie or b. a drunk who's so far beyond being hungover that the word "hungover" doesn't even qualify. How is that fair?

Now, I do have a see saw theory which basically says that for every up there's a down, and that the height of the up always has its corresponding down. This means that if something is really really good, it has a really really bad side to it, while if something is only mediocre in your life, it really only has the slightest negative.

Consider this theory in terms of your friendships. If you have a so so friend and that friendship fails... you're not really that upset. The good = the bad. The up = the down. If you have a good friend and that friendship fails... well, same thing. How much you value that friendship will determine how badly you react to its failure.

And this theory can be applied to babies too... but NOT during the pregnancy bit. The wonderfully high "up" of the pregnancy/newborn baby cycle thingy is met with a thud by the not so wonderfully low "low" of the sleepless nights and vomit and baby poo and all that other eeky stuff. Having and raising kids is both the best and worst thing you'll ever do... it takes you to the very top and the very lowest point of the damn seesaw, and sometimes it travels fast between the two lol.

Which brings me back to the deathlikeness of early ish pregnancy. Why? It's not a karma thing, its not an evolution thing, its not a creation thing, its not a part of the up/down life cycle of the see saw... so WHY DAMMIT, WHY?

Am I talking in circles? Yes!
Am I making sense? Not much!
And why is that? Cos I feel like shit!


Which brings me to this little titbit of info courtesy of BabyCentre Australia -

If extreme mood swings leave you feeling like a drama queen this week, you're not alone. Hormonal fluctuations are treating your emotions like a yo-yo now. One minute you feel weepy and the next you're laughing harder than you've ever laughed before. Take comfort in knowing that those same volatile hormones are helping your baby grow. In fact, this week marks the first time your baby looks almost human. He has all the standard body parts in place now — though they're not yet formed to perfection.

Oh great, so I feel like death and the little leech doesn't even look human yet?!?

And as for hormones.. um, yeah.. I may have cried a bit watching early morning tv today... but its hardly my fault. That ad for the Jennifer Aniston tv special and the Loud Shirt day ad (raising money for deaf kids)... oh, and the Maury Povich "my stepfather might be the father of my new baby" show... I mean, they were pretty sad you know...

Oh... looky what I found... 50 Reasons to be Glad You're Pregnant -> (psst, i'm deleting all the ones that don't apply to us Aussies)

1 Relishing the early weeks when only you and your partner know your special secret. (and your kids.. and everyone they've accidentally told like the time we were discussing the wedding with a parent from school who also happens to be a major gossip, and Laura pipes up with "when's the wedding again? is it before or after the next baby is born?" Um, yeah, thanks Laura)

2 Knowing you've got nine whole months to plan, dream and fantasise. (sigh, 9 months, not me baby. I'm hoping for 7)

3 Choosing maternity clothes - they've never been more practical or more sexy. (PFFT!)

4 Now you've got the perfect excuse to pamper yourself - spending hours in a scented bath, enjoying a massage or rubbing soothing lotions into your growing bump. (obviously whoever wrote this list has no other children, let alone a demanding little 10 month old called Noah)

5 Maternity rights are getting better all the time. (blah blah, I'm barely working atm anyway)

6 You can join an antenatal class and find a whole new bunch of friends (omg! me? I don't think so. Can you imagine anything worse than a bunch of women sitting around whinging about their pregnancies - yeah, I, uh, don't do that - or talking about how perfect their kids are? Sheesh.)

7 For once in your life you need to get heavier - pregnancy is Nature's way of making you feel good about putting on weight. (um... yeah...)

8 If this is your first baby, enjoy the next nine months sleeping late at weekends: you won't get many chances later on. (sigh)

9 At last you've got the bosom you've always wanted, which means you also have... (doesn't really affect me lol... I don't need more "bosom" and I certainly don't need bosom's that leak :P)

10 ...a great excuse to buy lots of pretty new bras. (we need an excuse for this lol? eek!)

13 Suddenly you'll find you're getting lots of extra attention from parents, aunts and uncles, not to mention your partner. (um, should I get WK to read this?)

14 You may find you develop a closer relationship with sisters, cousins or friends who are parents themselves. Congratulations, you've just won free admission to the parents' club! (fk that)

16 New talents! Whether it's knitting bootees or assembling a flat-pack cot, you'll suddenly find yourself trying out all sorts of new skills. (oh.. great...)

17 Suddenly you'll feel a new appreciation for your own mother and all she went through having you. (no, not really)

18 Decorating the nursery: one of the most exciting things you'll ever do. (who the crap wrote this list? huh? huh?!)

19 Feeling those first fluttering kicks and thinking, 'Is that what I think it is? Or is it just wind?' (ok ok, yeah, the baby moving is pretty cool... for a while anyway. Til the little bugger starts kicking you up under your ribs.)

20 Feeling OK for sending your partner out for chicken tikka masala followed by double-choc chip ice cream. (hmm, unfortunately for me... hmm.. hold on, where was i? Now I want icecream dammit, can't concentrate)

21 Your parents digging out your old cot or pram, which they've kept safely all this time 'just in case'. (um, no)

22 Going for healthy walks with your partner and getting fresh air in your lungs because it's good for you and good for your baby. (ok ok, I give this one a tick too)

23 Enjoying the extra-vivid dreams you get in late pregnancy - and laughing about them with your friends. (so far all these "extra-vivid dreams" have been a pain in the ass. I need my sleep dammit!)

24 Feeling a little pair of heels prodding under your diaphragm and knowing you'll soon be meeting the little person they belong to! (I think I've already mentioned this already.. and not in a positive way)

25 Choosing baby clothes - or just phoning round for all the catalogues, leafing through them and planning what you're going to buy. (oooh yes, I"m a shopper! :D)

26 Writing a pregnancy diary for your baby to read in the future. (online diary maybe? I could never show the baby tho cos I swear way too much :P)

27 Getting someone to take photos of you smiling over your enormous bump so that, one day, you can look back and be amazed you were ever that size. (lol. If you see how stretched your skin is on your belly after having 3 or 4 kids... you won't need the photo as proof :S)

29 Lying in bed with your partner's arms around you and your bump, knowing that love has created a new life. (uh huh)

Ok, I give up. Noah just woke up and is screaming the house down. 29'll do.

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