Thursday, June 7, 2007

stolen from james

1.What's in your wallet? Cards and more cards. Maybe $3 in change... maybe.
2.What's under your bed? Um... just the naughty stuff.
3.What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet? Swords. WK has silly swords lol. Even cut me with one once lol.
4.What's in your underwear drawer? Hmm. Underwear? Plus a few extras. ;)
5.What's in the trunk of your car? Oooh exciting stuff - pram, nappy bag, toys and a jack!
6.What colour is the underwear your wearing at this moment? Black. Shock.
7.Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it? Um, no. I should get one tho. *thinks back to when I left a certain noticeably not PG rated phallic-shaped item on the table next to my bed, and the next day my daughter came into my bedroom for a chat, and I forgot it was there, and she had a weird look on her face*
8.Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what? Nah guilt smuilt.
9.What is the most embarrassing thing in your room right now? Um... the phallic-shaped item which is still sitting on the table next to my bed lol? Sad but true.
10.Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about? Like what? Hmm. I hope my doc doesn't find out I lied about my last hospital visit lol.
11.What is your last thought before you fall asleep? "I hope to fuck that this baby sleeps tonight... he better, or I'll..." *snore*. What can I say? I'm frickin tired.
12.How long have those leftovers been in the fridge? Lol, almost never. Almost. In fact, I don't think there are any atm.
13.If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find? Illegally downloaded music and porn. Plus a heap of boring animated and other moth-given pics. Thats it really. :P
14.Do you sleep with anything? Most nights just me and my pillow... and the baby... cos god forbid he slept all night in his damn cot. *swears*
15.What is your midnight snack weakness? I don't eat midnight snacks... I do however continually bitch about wanting one. And its normally things like pizza or nacho's or chocolate or coke or kfc or... basically anything bad.
16.Have you ever you shop lifted? Uh huh. Once. Scary lol. My ex-hub was a habitual thief tho (I tell ya, never trust a teacher!). He used to steal random things like a fork or knife from a restaurant, a glass from a pub... just for the "thrill" of stealing it.
17.Have you ever vandalized anything? Does high school count? Me and a bunch of girly friends once wrote nasty stuff on the back of a toilet door about a group of rival girls. Got busted for it too, since, like, we put our initials there lol. 14 yr old stupidity. I wasted hours of my life that week cleaning the damn toilet block.
18.Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Let's just say yes to be safe. Cos, well, yeah. I know a few devils lol, and I'm a bit of a night owl. :P
19.What do you wait until no one is looking to do? Heck, when is noone ever looking? Shit I have 3 kids and a partner and a cat... there is always SOMEONE around! I barely even get to shower alone dammit!

Thanks to Letters from the Sanitarium for this one. :D

1 comment:

mothpete said...

Does 'everyone' talk with James? Lol... he's a great guy.

Do I have to do this meme now?? I'll do it next week.